Friday, 11 May 2012

week#3 it works!

it was April 29th, 2012, 

on week#2 we made it, we had sold out 19 goodiebags. 6 pcs were bought by end user and the other 13 were bought by reseller. it was awesome!! the reseller called us and told me that she had had the brochure from her daughter who went to the market. amazing! why??

she didn't even go to the market but she got the brochure! so, don't be so selective to your customer candidates, spread the brochure to everyone and let Allah "ping" their heart to come to you.

this story is about our 3rd sales activity in UIN Sunday market. 19 is a good number for beginner, but as a human being, 19 is not enough, LOL. that was why i have to make something new in my brochure, something attractive. what is it?? discount!! i discussed this strategy with my wife and she agreed to give customers a discount. what's the rule ? 

"everyone who comes with our brochure will get a Rp. 2500.-/pc discount!".

after setting up the store, i move to the gateway and spread the brochure. not only brochure, i brought two sample of goodiebags so that people will see the products. 

"silahkan Bu, toko kami di dekat parkiran motor. Bawa brosur ini dan dapatkan diskonnya", i told the customers. the strategy seemed to work, many people were interested and they came to me asking for the brochure. it was fascinating when you feel your strategy works. i brought about 150 sheets of brochure and spend almost one hour to spread them infront of UIN Sunday market.

"Apa ini pak?", a mom asked.
"Ini tas anak, bu. Bagus...", i answered.
"Bisa kita berbisnis?", she asked.

and the story went so far up until now, i had sent 5 dozens of goodiebags to Sulawesi. that's the result of week#3.

i run out of the brochures so that i got back to the store and took a rest. i let my wife and sister to assist the customers. it seemed that we had a lot of customers today. we closed the store 30 minutes later than usual. it was 0900 AM when we finally closed our store.

"dapat berapa kita hari ini?", i asked my wife.
"lumayan kayanya, 36 pcs, kalo ga salah", she explained.
"mima!!papa berhasil!! hari ini kita menjual banyak!", i told my Fatima.
and then we discussed our glory on the way we got home. 
"Alhamdulillaaaah", i praised Allah for His blessing today.

so, the total sales of our offline selling in UIN Sunday Market is about 17-20 dozens. if we count in detail, its about 3x1,5 hours. quiet effective? go to the market, now!


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