so, you already have a nice brochure template, printed it into hundreds or thousands copies and spread them in some points. what's next? yup, the result!!
you must wait a while for the brochure to work and show you some good result. i was very happy to have first short message from my reseller candidate at the first day i spread the brochure. It was bu Sarah who sent me sms, she was my first reseller gained by brochuring. She told me that she had my brochure from her daughter who went to the sunday market this morning. She booked a dozen goodiebags that day and i delivered them after lunch.
actually, we had sold 6 pcs goodiebags in the sunday market at the sameday and the brochure gave us another one dozen. it had happened in our 2nd week of selling goodiebags in sunday market.
We tried something new in our brochure on March 29th, 2012. we put a discount in it. so, whoever came with that brochure would be given Rp.2500 discount per piece. I spent my time spreading the brochure in front of the gateway, my wife and sister stayed in the store to serve the customers. i got back to the store several times and asked them how the market was.
It was amazing to find the market was crowded and we sold 3 dozens of goodiebags within only 2 hours!
We go down to the market only at sunday because i have my regular job in work days. But fortunately my phone was ringing on monday and it was new reseller candidate asked me about how could he be reseller! and guess what? he knew my number from the brochure!
Pak Andi is now my reseller, he booked a very good sales result. He almost sells 10 dozens of goodiebags in less than a month.
We closed our store on Sunday, May 6th, 2012 because we had a family gathering in Ancol. It was about 2PM when i took a rest from leading the program. My phone was ringing and a lady spoken on the phone asked me about being a reseller.
It was bu Alam from Palopo and now she has been my reseller and sells about 15 dozen goodiebags in less than 2 weeks. And again, she got my number from the brochure.
So, brochuring is quiet effective to announce my business this far. i have sold more than 30 dozens of goodiebags in less than one month from offline brochuring and i haven't told you about online brochuring result. The fact is i have just done this brochuring activity in just one spot!! and result is very amazing!
What's next ?!
Online Brochuring Result and we plan to add more brochuring spots!
so, wait for our next stories of brochuring, insya Allah...
agbtopmarketer http// | +628158008370 | | YM : agbisme
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