I was preparing my stuffs when bang Sandy came to me and gave me 6 pcs of rings. He said that i have to sell this and bring him some amount of money. Agate ring is something new to me. I don't even know what make it precious.
I took picture on those rings and put them in my blackberry's display picture. I was not really sure if i can sell those rings. My friends are mostly young but agate is identical with old man :P
To me it's not about sell or not to sell, it's more about try. Lets give those ring a try. They deserve it.
At the same day i arrived in the office, my friend pinged me and asked about those agates. We met in 3rd floor and he looked at the rings. It was wednesday when i wrote this article draft for the first time and it's saturday now. The agates are not sold yet, but i am happy that there were at least two or three of my friends were interested on them. So, the agates shew their attractiveness and ofcourse, they have their selling value.
Show them your products! it's not about sell or not to sell, it's about giving them a try.
I sold my goodiebags in Surabaya. I have a friend who was interested in my goodiebag products. i brought him 5 samples. We met in Intiland Tower, it was about 2PM in the afternoon. Surabaya was quietly hot. The caffe was not so crowded. After a while, he decided to buy 2pcs of my goodiebags. He looked not so sure about my products. I thought i might disappoint him because my product quality didn't meet his expectation. Well, the show must go on. I gave him a discount! 30% discount for each goodiebags!
Intiland Building, Surabaya |
I didn't want to disappoint him in anyway, that was why i gave him discounts.
He wanted to be my reseller but if he did not satisfied with my products, he would have no confidence to sell them. But to me, i had just closed a 2pcs transaction of goodiebags and it was not so bad. Dia mengantar saya ke lobi sambil menenteng goodiebags yang sudah dibelinya. Kami ngobrol sebentar di lobi depan dan setelah beberapa saat, kami putuskan untuk pergi ke lobi belakang supaya aku bisa segera menemui temanku di kantor sebelah.
Magicly, setelah beberapa langkah kami meninggalkan lobi depan, tiba-tiba seorang petugas keamanan dengan seragam rapi sedikit berteriak ke arah kami "Mas, tasnya bagus, ini dijual?!". Saya dan teman saya sedikit bingung dan secara reflek saya membiarkan dia bertransaksi sementara saya asik mengetik pada keypad blackberry.
Tanpa banyak cingcong, transaksi terjadi dalam sekejap dengan nilai Rp. 15rb/pc goodiebags!
Kami lanjut ke lobi belakang sambil cengar-cengir karena takjub dengan kejadian tadi. Akhirnya aku tawarkan kembali ke temanku itu "Tuh kan, produknya banyak yg minat, udah beli aja 3 sisanya nih", tawarku. Akhirnya temanku itu membeli 3 sisa goodiebags yang ada dan kita menuntaskan transaksi sore itu dengan closing 5 goodiebags terjual.
Show them your products! it's not about sell or not to sell, it's about giving them a try.
Last friday was an amazing day to me. There were lot of lessons to learn. I finished my "linchpin" book, i sold 29pcs of goodiebags in Surabaya, i met a father with his 3 years old son who had been robbed in Rajabasa (Lampung) and i made a deal with taxi driver to sell my goodiebags.
Like it or not, i am a salesperson now. You can call me top sales manager*
Sales is an art, it needs your flexibility and heart. You must give your heart and braveness to start. I was in my way to go home from Surabaya. It was about 10.30 PM when i took a taxi to drive me home. The driver seemed not so friendly, he was just siting and driving, no words came out from him. I was challanging my self to introduce my goodiebag products. I brought my brochure in my bag. But i had no topic to start conversation.
We were getting closer to my house and i had started no conversation. After a while, i gave him direction to reach my home and i made a conversation "Pak, bapak bakat jualan gak?", saya bertanya.
"Wah enggak pak", jawabnya singkat sehingga aku hampir mati kutu.
"Kalo istri, kerja atau di rumah?", saya kembali bertanya.
"Ngajar pak, di SD", jawabnya.
"Wah pas tuh, saya ada produk tas anak. Mana tau bapak berminat, nanti saya kasih sample begitu kita sampe di rumah saya yah?!", tawarku.
Dia hanya terdiam dan dalam sekejap aku sudah tiba di depan kontrakan mungilku.
Argonya Rp. 21rb.
Sebelum saya bayar argonya, saya ke dalam untuk ambil sampel goodiebags, saya taruh di dalamnya beberapa lembar brosur supaya pak Driver ini bisa menghubungi saya.
"Terima kasih pak, nanti kalo saya minat, saya hubungi bapaknya gimana?", tanyanya sebelum meninggalkan rumah kontrakanku.
"Di dalam tasnya sudah ada brosur, hubungi nomor saya ya", jawabku.
I was not selling goodiebags, i was just showing and gave this goodiebag a try.
http// | +628158008370 | | YM : agbisme
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